Last week I attended a presentation where the topic was “Quality Time Remaining”. The thought behind this is that all too often we put off doing something or purchasing something that we really want and suddenly it becomes too late to enjoy it. This is particularly true in real estate and even more so in resort real estate. As our families grow and our children go on with their own lives, we often think about that vacation property where our families can gather and enjoy each other’s company again. However, it is so easy to say, “Now is just not the right time” or perhaps, “prices will be lower next year” or “the perfect property will come along in the next few years”. While we wait for that perfect opportunity or perfect property to come along we have lost the time with our family and loved ones that can never be recaptured. We all know that we only have so much time to really enjoy our lives and what value can we place on this?
Many of my clients have come to realize just how important this is as they spend more and more time enjoying their vacation home in park city with family and friends. Frequently my clients tell me that while they had only intended to use their vacation property occasionally during the ski season they end up spending quite a lot of time during the summer months as well. When deciding if now is the right time for you to purchase your vacation home or even go on a vacation, remember QTR and take advantage of it.