Wednesday, October 19, 2011
My Hero
I know every week I talk about just how beautiful it is and how it can't get any prettier...but it does! This weekend was the peak of the colors and it's absolutely spectacular. The hills were awash in color, the temperature was near 70 and then we had a little snow last night. My hero this week is an aspen tree in my backyard. While all the other aspens have turned bright gold and are starting to lose their leaves there is one that holds on and is still bright green. Way to go, aspen. Don't give up!
In real estate news the sales stats are in through the end of September and the trend we have been observing all year is continuing. Comparing year-to-date January 1 to September 30 of 2010 and 2011, the number of single family homes sold is up just over 17% and the average sales price of a home has risen 4.5% from $826,000 to $863,000. Condo sales are up just over 13% and continuing the trend we've seen all summer, average sales price is down about 27%, from $862,000 in 2010 to $623,000 in 2011. Looking at and comparing this September to last September, the number of homes sold was flat at 74 for each month but average sales prices rose almost 24% from $767,000 in September of 2010 to $948,000 for September of 2011. From September 2010 to September 2011 in condo sales, number of sales is up 21% and average sales price continues to decline to just over 35%. A major contributor to this decline was sales in lower Deer Valley where last year there was one sale with a sales price of $2,289,000 and this September there was again one condo sold but sold for $514,000. This shows a decrease in sales price of 77.5%. Now we know condo prices in Deer Valley haven't decreased 77%; this is just a function of what sold this year compared to what sold last year. I believe that this holds true for the average sales price of homes and condos overall. I do not believe that home prices have increased 17-24% or that condo prices have dropped 27-36%, but rather more expensive homes are once again selling, but buyers are looking for the lower priced condos.
Also a continuing trend we've been following all year: the number of new listings continues to decrease. Year-to-date, 2010 to 2011, the number of new homes listed is down 15.6% and number of condos listed year-to-date is down 18.9%. Looking at September 2010 versus September 2011 the number of new homes listed was down almost 26% and number of new condos listed decreased 31%. I think we have several factors going on here of which I think the major factor is that many of our sellers are not desperate to sell, not in trouble, and are willing to wait until the market starts to return. This is also the message that most agents are telling their sellers: unless you really want to sell and are willing to price it according to today's market, don't sell. However, if the trend continues of number of sales increasing each month and numbers of new properties being listed decreases, something has to give and we're starting to see this. We're seeing well-priced properties selling quickly and we're seeing more and more multiple offers. With the economy continuing to waffle along and interest rates running historically low, buyers are definitely taking advantage of this opportunity and are purchasing. We know there will come a time when resort real estate cannot be purchased for today's prices and interest rates are not this low and we as agents will be hearing "I should have bought back then." If you're in the market for resort real estate don't let this be you.
Each week brings us closer to the opening week of ski season. Deer Valley opens in about 6 weeks so continue the leg workouts, the core body workouts and start focusing on aerobics. See you on the mountain this winter!