Thursday, September 29, 2011
Underwear Runners Strike Salt Lake
This past Saturday the big protest in Salt Lake, was, as only Utah can have it, about 3,000 people stripping down to their underwear (nudity was not allowed of course) and running en masse to the State Capitol in a protest of Utah's overbearing morality laws. If this will actually have any effect on the Legislature and its opinions is doubtful but it certainly is humorous. Way to go, Utah: throw caution to the wind and take chances.
On a much more positive note, the fall colors are absolutely astounding. It seems that they're changing by the minute. The weather for the past week just doesn't get any better. Temps in the low 70s, bright blue skies, the maples are bright red and the aspens are just beginning to turn. I took a drive this past weekend up in the mountains and it was truly breathtaking. If you ever get a chance to come out and see the fall colors in the Rockies, forget New England: this is where you need to be. As I mentioned a moment ago, the aspens are just starting to turn so we've only got another 3 weeks of peak colors. Yes it's been a little late this year which I suspect it's due to the wet spring and summer.
In real estate news, there's nothing really exciting to report. Sales continue to be quiets strong for this time of the year. In looking at what's selling, its still all over the board from the very low condos in the $100,000 range to the multi-million dollar homes and condos. I have noticed that multiple offers are occurring more frequently on well-priced properties again in all price ranges. The stock market continues its dizzying roller-coaster ride but seems to be holding about where it was 3 years ago. It seems if it goes above this point it doesn't stay for long and comes back down, and the same is true if it drops below the 3-year average: doesn't stay long and comes back up. What this means for real estate: I haven't a clue. So far it doesn't seem to be having a strongly negative effect but I think this winter is going to be very telling.
Forecast is for storms to start rolling through next weekend and into the following week, so this may be the first significant sign of winter approaching. So continue the leg-strengthening exercises, get your core muscles strong, and I look forward to seeing you on the slopes this season.